The Governing Body of Coupe Green Primary School believes that our school is, and should be, the heart of our community and we are proud to act as a ‘critical friend’ in support. We work in partnership with the Headteacher and staff in maintaining and developing the ethos and reputation of our school. We help to promote high standards of educational achievement and are committed to securing the welfare and well-being of all the pupils so that they develop in to happy and successful young people.

The Governors are from a range of different backgrounds that help us to support the school in various ways. We are all linked to a specific element of school whether it be a class, a subject or an area such as Special Educational Needs. However, we are all committed to our core aim which is to support the staff and children at our school in being the best that they can be.

Governors of the school are elected or co-opted for a four-year term. Governors’ meetings are held every term. The committees include Resources, Standards and Effectiveness and Curriculum.

It is the Governors’ responsibility to set the direction in which the school is developing, leaving the day-to-day management to the Headteacher in consultation with the staff.


At Coupe Green, Safeguarding is our utmost priority and, as a governing body, is our first priority and consideration when acting as school leaders' critical friend. As part of our role, we challenge leaders on the effectiveness of the policies and procedures in place. In order to challenge safeguarding effectively, all governors take part in safeguarding training and seek regular updates. All governors have read and understood the latest version of Keeping Children Safe in Education.

Governors 2024-2025

The Governing Body of Coupe Green Primary School consists of 12 Governors including the Headteacher. Each Governor has different roles and may sit on more than one committee. The full Governing Body relies on the work of the committees to inform its work and advise its decisions.

Coupe Green does not have any associate members, so all our Governors have voting rights on The Full Governing Board and committees of which they are a member.

Our Chair of Governors is Antony Mycock and he leads us, with Hayley Smith our Vice Chair, through each Full Governing Body Meeting which happens once per term.

The Standards & Effectiveness and Curriculum committees were amalgamated in December 2015 as the governors decided that it would improve the efficiency of their work.

Chair of Governors:

Mr A Mycock

Vice Chair of Governors:

Mrs H Smith


Mrs R Ruffley, Mrs M Pace, Mr S Ellis, Mrs K Goddard, Mrs S Roddy

Local Authority Governor:


Staff Governors:

Mr J Burns, Mrs K Cooke

Chair’s Contact Details: Mr A Mycock, Coupe Green Primary School, Coupe Green, Hoghton, Preston. PR5 0JR

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