
At school, we pride ourselves in looking smart by wearing our school uniform. Wearing uniform promotes a sense of community within the school and allows children to demonstrate their pride in their school, both within school and when they are out in the local community.   

Our policy on school uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:

  • Promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • Creates a sense of community and belonging towards the school
  • Is practical and smart
  • Identifies the children with the school
  • Makes children feel equal to one another in terms of appearance
  • Reflects the sense both of community and of diversity that the school takes pride in
  • Is regarded as suitable and good value for money
  • Is designed with health and safety in mind

All Children (Reception – Year 6) need:

  • Jade green sweatshirt or cardigan with Coupe Green logo
  • White polo shirt (Coupe Green logo optional)
  • Grey trousers / skirt / pinafore dress
  • Grey / white socks / tights
  • Sensible black flat shoes (Shoes are to be plain with no coloured logos)
  • In summer, the children may wear green summer dresses or grey tailored shorts

Children in Reception, Year 1 and 2 will need a Coupe Green book bag to keep reading books, homework and school letters in.

For PE all children (Reception – Year 6) need:

  • Black PE hoodie with Coupe Green logo
  • White t shirt (Coupe Green logo optional)
  • Black shorts / black jogging bottoms
  • White socks
  • Black trainers (suitable sports trainers not fashion trainers. Logos must be kept to a minimum.)

Full PE kit should be worn for sporting events and after school clubs.

Uniform can be ordered from Bamber Bridge Sports.


All clothing and bags should be clearly labelled with your child’s full name. This is especially important, as uniform items look similar and can easily be confused for another child’s. The school cannot accept responsibility for any lost items.


On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery to school except for watches (no smart watches).


Children are not permitted to wear earrings for school. If children do wear earrings in school, they will be asked to remove them. Parents will be notified if children are unable to take them out and asked to remove them that evening. It is strongly recommended that children who want to have their ears pierced should do so at the beginning of the summer holiday. This will enable adequate healing time before returning to school at the start of the year. Children are not able to swim with earrings and, as this is a large part of the PE curriculum, children will have to remove earrings during this period.


Long hair must be tied back if the hair touches the shoulders or is longer. We respectfully request that children who have a long fringe wear a hair band to allow them to see clearly when engaged in learning activities. Only plain / green hair accessories are worn.

For swimming and all sports, including PE lessons, long hair should be tied back. When swimming, children must wear a swimming cap.

There should be no extremes of hairstyles. Shaved hair should be a minimum of number 3 and ‘tramlines’ are not acceptable. Parents of any child that has a haircut that we feel is extreme will be asked to amend their hair cut at the earliest convenience.

Role of the Parents / Guardians

  • To ensure that their child / children adhere to the school’s uniform policy, including appropriate hairstyles and use of jewellery.
  • To ensure that they come to school in uniform every day, unless there are special circumstances such as non-uniform days.
  • To ensure that all uniform is labelled correctly and clearly.
  • To ensure that uniform is clean and in good repair.

Role of the Class Teachers and Support Staff

  • Set a good example in terms of dress.
  • Remember that in our respective roles we serve the local community as a set of professionals.
  • To remind children to wear school uniform. The class teacher will speak to children / parents who do not wear the correct uniform. If they continue to wear incorrect uniform, they will be referred to the Headteacher.

Role of the Headteacher

  • The Headteacher will ensure that pupils comply with the uniform policy agreed by the governing body.
  • The Headteacher has a duty to enforce the school uniform throughout the school community, as part of the duty within maintenance of day to day discipline in the school.
  • The Headteacher will speak to the parents of children who persistently do not wear the correct uniform.
  • The school will follow the DfE guidelines where a pupil fails to comply with the school’s rules on uniform.

The Role of Governors

The governing body supports the Headteacher in implementing the school uniform policy. It considers all representations from parents regarding the uniform policy and liaises with the Headteacher to ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity. It is the governors’ responsibility to ensure that the school uniform meets all regulations concerning equal opportunities.


All children have equal access to wearing school uniform regardless of their culture, race, religion, gender, disability or ability. We ensure that the set uniform respects other policies such as Equalities and allows for individual sets of circumstances of all groups and individuals. Coupe Green Primary School is committed to creating a positive climate that will enable everyone to work free from racial intimidation and harassment and to achieve their full potential.

Monitoring and Review

The governing body monitors and reviews the school uniform policy through its committee work by:

    • seeking the views of parents, to ensure that they agree with and support the policy;
    • considering, with the Headteacher, any requests from parents for individual children to have special dispensation with regard to school uniform;
    • requiring the Headteacher to report to the governors on the way the school uniform policy is implemented.